Posts Categorized: Domestic Violence

Do You Fear for Your Safety and Want a Divorce?

  Do you want out of your marriage but are too afraid to bring up divorce? You may feel stuck in your relationship if you have previously been the victim of violent behavior or you are worried that asking for a divorce will lead to abuse. You might feel like you will never be able to leave. However, you do have options. In addition to pursuing criminal charges, you can use civil orders of protection to gain distance and safety during and after a divorce. Warning Signs of Domestic Abuse &nbs...   Read more ...  

What Are Different Types of Domestic Violence?

Every situation of domestic violence is factually unique, especially when you consider Illinois laws cover various personal relationships and different acts of aggression. Though many presume issues only occur between spouses, the domestic violence statute specifically includes family members, housemates, parents who share a child, people in a current or past dating relationships, caretakers and disabled adults and many others. Also, the term “violence” incorporates a much wider range of act...   Read more ...