Posts Categorized: Child Custody Attorney

The Role Of Guardian Ad Litem In Illinois Child Custody Cases


In Illinois child custody cases, disputes often center on ensuring the best interests of the child, which can be complex when parents disagree about what that entails. In such cases, the court may appoint a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) to represent the child’s best interests. A Guardian ad Litem is a neutral third party, typically an attorney with specific training, who is tasked with investigating the family dynamics and advising the court on what arrangement will serve the child’s welfa...   Read more ...  

How Drug Crime Charges Can Impact Child Custody In Illinois

child custody

In Illinois, child custody battles are complex and emotionally charged proceedings that determine how parental responsibilities and parenting time are allocated between separated or divorced parents. When drug crime charges are introduced into the equation, the situation can become even more complicated. Understanding how these charges might influence the outcome of child custody disputes is crucial for any parent facing such legal challenges. Under Illinois law, the primary concern in child cus...   Read more ...  

Child Custody and Tax Exemptions

child custody

Parental decision-making, parenting time, and child support are among the key considerations you expect when addressing Illinois child custody. Taxes are probably not top of mind when working out these details. Illinois uses the term allocation of parental responsibilities to refer to custody, so you are focusing on how co-parents determine the important issues involved with raising the child. However, a key issue that is closely tied to child custody is the residential arrangement, and this is ...   Read more ...  

How Does Relocation Work If You Have Joint Custody In Illinois?

child custody

Navigating joint custody in Illinois is complex and nuanced, especially when it involves the sensitive matter of relocation. In Illinois, the decision to move to a new location with a child is not merely a personal choice but a significant legal one. The challenge becomes even more pronounced when both parents share custody of the child, and one parent decides to relocate. In Illinois, the legal system places paramount importance on the welfare and best interests of the child in custody matters....   Read more ...  

How Parenting Time Is Fairly Decided In Illinois

parenting time

If you are getting a divorce and have children, you may wonder who will get custody. However, the state of Illinois does not use the term ‘child custody’ regarding where the child lives or how the parent’s authority over the child is allocated after a divorce. Instead, since 2016, state law has referred to parenting time and parental responsibilities. Learn below how parenting time is decided in an Illinois divorce, then contact our Chicago child custody attorneys at Michael C. Craven for ...   Read more ...