Health Care Power of Attorney Make-Over

Health Care Power of Attorney As a Chicago divorce attorney with a background in estate planning, I am aware of the benefits of estate planning before, during and after divorce.  A Health Care Power of Attorney (HCPOA) is an important part of an estate plan. Illinois’ General Assembly unanimously passed Senate Bill 3228 and it was sent to the Governor for his signature June 27.  The bill amends the HCPOA Act. Once signed by Governor Quinn, the new law will become effective January 1, 2015. ...   Read more ...  

Celebrity Style Separation: “Conscious Uncoupling”

Conscious Uncoupling Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin have been receiving an unusually large amount of attention surrounding their announcement to separate. This attention isn’t stemming from the public’s shock about the decision, but rather about how they have decided to separate – by ‘consciously uncoupling’. While reactions have ranged from confusion to criticism, as a Chicago divorce lawyer, the previously little-known concept is intriguing.   What is conscious uncoupling? &n...   Read more ...  

Almost a ‘Do It Yourself’ Divorce

Step by Step As a divorce attorney, I understand that the cost of a divorce can often be expensive. However, if someone cannot afford the full services of a divorce lawyer, there is a cost-efficient, yet still effective, option – Limited Scope Representation. The state of Illinois expanded the rules regarding Limited Scope Representation just over one year ago. These new rules allow people with limited means to pay for a portion of the legal services needed for their cases rather than hiring ...   Read more ...  


Marriage-Equality-Is-Here-In-Illinois Converting-Civil-Unions-to-Marriage-In-Illinois Marriage equality has reached Illinois and Cook County. As of June 1, the over 23,000 same-sex couples living in Illinois can legally be married throughout their state. Exactly two years before this date, Illinois began to recognize civil unions. However, on November 20, 2013, Illinois governor Pat Quinn signed the Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act bill into law to legalize same-sex marr...   Read more ...  

Careful, Someone May Be Listening

Recorded Words Can Be Used Against You in Court The phrase “Think before you speak” now holds more meaning in the divorce world than ever before. This year, the Illinois Supreme Court lifted restrictions for recording any part of a conversation or electronic communication without the consent of all parties involved. As a result, everyone, but especially spouses involved in the divorce process, need to think about how their words can be used against them. Everyone needs to be careful when th...   Read more ...  

Child Advocates in Illinois Divorce Cases

Child with Divorcing Parents When children are involved in a divorce case and there are parenting issues regarding the children, divorcing clients often ask their divorce lawyer the following questions: What is a Child Representative (Child Rep)? What is a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)? When are they assigned? Why are they assigned? Who is responsible for paying their fees? I posted a blog on this subject in 2012, but thought it was time to revisit this topic. When Might a Child Rep or a GAL be Ass...   Read more ...  

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