Are Your Parenting Arrangements Promoting Positive Effects?

Parenting is a rewarding experience, and you will learn just as much as you teach while raising your child. However, it can also be challenging as you try to balance your responsibilities to raise a well-rounded individual and maintain a solid parent-child relationship. These challenges are compounded for parents who do not live under the same roof. Custody will be a key issue in divorce, but the issue involves more than where the child lives and who gets visitation. Illinois law uses the term a...   Read more ...  

Enforcing A Court Order After A Divorce

Divorces can be simple, civil, and even somewhat gratifying to some parties. The prospect of leaving a marriage that was not working and starting over fresh can be an exciting start to a new chapter. For others, a divorce can mean pain, suffering, and long-term hardship and challenges. And in these situations, an unknown outlook and future can be very scary. Obtaining the divorce settlement you desire and deserve can be challenging enough. No one wants to need to worry about the divorce orders b...   Read more ...  

Dividing Retirement Assets In An Illinois Divorce Case

Getting divorced in Illinois is a challenging proposition without having to worry about divvying up assets. Even in the most amicable situations, when it comes to dividing wealth, there can be much contention that comes about. And, the acquisition of assets during a marriage can be substantial. It can take many years to replace such wealth. It is critical, therefore, to keep some of your assets when getting divorced and be able to secure the most favorable financial outcome for your life after d...   Read more ...  

Avoiding Financial Pitfalls In a Divorce

Divorce is a word that seldom brings a sense of happiness or joy. In fact, divorce can be the low point of people’s lives and can be extremely challenging both emotionally and logistically. For many divorcees, their focus lies solely on the emotional part, and they spend little to no time considering the financial effects. Those effects can be devastating and must be carefully considered before agreeing to any divorce arrangement. There are numerous issues to consider when thinking about divor...   Read more ...  

Importance of Formalizing Parenting Agreements

In this post, we will discuss why parenting agreements are so important during the divorce process. Divorce can go one of two ways: It can go smoothly, in which case the parties agree on asset division, child custody, and all else involved. It can be rough in which case the parties do not agree on anything and there is quite a bit of contention. Typically, when two parties are more agreeable the process of divorce can resolve sooner than when there is animosity and a lack of cooperation. Alth...   Read more ...  

Illinois Divorce and How It Affects My Spouse’s Inheritance

If you are considering divorce or already a party to a dissolution of marriage case in Illinois, you might already know that division of property will be one of the key issues in the proceedings. State law on the topic requires equitable distribution of marital assets, basically describing a two-step process. You first classify real estate and personal property as being marital or separate. Assets owned by a spouse before the wedding are generally his or hers to keep. Marital assets acquired dur...   Read more ...  

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