A Better Divorce Is Possible When Chicago Divorce Lawyers Use Mediation

Dissolving a marriage takes time; it is a process that may be equal to the time and effort it took to build the relationship once upon a time. Couples often find themselves in drawn out battles in the courtroom, costing each party a hefty total. Emotionally, the courtroom can become a source of distress and heartache for the divorcing parties. Rather than see the case through in a courtroom, many divorcing couples and their divorce lawyers in Chicago find success with mediation.


Mediation As An Alternative To Court

Mediation is an alternative process to litigation and a trial. Instead, the two parties will agree to meet with a mediator. Mediators are impartial participants. Sometimes they are attorneys, sometimes not. The mediator works to guide the parties to a mutual settlement by identifying their choices and needs. Many participants also elect to work with an attorney to assist them through the mediation process. Depending on the case, divorce lawyers in Chicago may also attend the mediation sessions with their clients.


More people are turning to mediators, and more courts are encouraging this practice. Mediation can be a less expensive option to a traditional case, but it depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. In addition, mediation may allow for more creative settlements that are more satisfactory to both parties, so there are less future disputes. These meetings are also informal and likely easier to schedule than a pre-appointed court time.


Benefits Of Mediation In Divorce Situations

  • Greater Satisfaction for both parties. When marriages dissolve, communication often breaks down. With mediation, communication can be restored. Mediators help the parties express their needs and wishes, working towards an understanding between the two sides. The resolution is decided by the parties, not by the mediator. In this way, both sides feel as though they have been heard.
  • Better use of the legal system. Rather than receive a judgment that may force restrictions or actions onto the parties, mediation allows the parties to explore their options and decide which will work, or won’t work. Judgments are binary and final, whereas mediation is fluid and open to brainstorming.

Divorce Attorneys In Chicago Can Help Settle Your Case Faster

  • One of the biggest benefits of using mediation to settle disagreements is that the case can be settled much faster than going the traditional route through the court system. Courts are often overburdened, making it difficult to get a contested court date without waiting for months and sometimes years.

Divorce Lawyers Chicago represent clients going through mediation so they don’t have to do it all alone. Our attorney, Michael C. Craven, is also a trained mediator and can mediate cases for you so you can avoid the courtroom.


To learn more about mediation in Chicago, contact Michael C. Craven of Divorce Lawyers Chicago at 1-312-788-4462.